Classical homeopathy is an effective therapy for a wide variety of health problems and is designed to treat the whole person. It can be successfully used in acute illness and also recurring ailments. Most physical problems can be improved and in many cases completely cleared. Homeopathy can also provide a solution in emotional and psychological problems.
Homeopathy as support during long term illness
Homeopathy can work wonders but in diseases that have reached an advanced stage or with irreversible damage even homeopathy will not completely restore health. In these cases homeopathy can give support and it can relieve discomforting symptoms. If you are on medication let your GP know that you are considering homeopathy as support and I am happy to liaise or give feedback to your GP/Consultant if requested.
People treated with homeopathy have been shown to experience an increased sense of well-being and an improvement in symptoms such as those listed below:
Acute health problems
High fever
Ear nose and throat inflammation
Travel-related illnesses
Bowel condition; constipation and diarrhoea etc.
Injuries (shock, bruising etc) due to falls and accidents
Chronic complaints
Eczema, herpes zoster
Irritable bowel syndrome
Headache and migraine
Recurring colds
Hay fever
Sleep disturbances, sleeplessness, night terrors
Anxiety insecurity and fear of failure, of flying
Sadness and depression
Muscular tension, aches and pains
Prolonged fatigue
Menstrual disorders, premenstrual tension, menopause etc
Irregularities in organs impacting fertility
Pregnancy related conditions e.g. nausea, heartburn, constipation etc.
Postnatal depression
Children’s complaints
Developmental issues, concentration difficulties and hyperactivity
Behavioural disturbances
School refusal
Night terrors
Disturbed sleep
Your treatment
If you wish to discuss how homeopathy can support or assist with managing your illness or alternatively how it can enhance your health and support a busy lifestyle I can be contacted by telephone or skype see online calendar to book your free discussion here
Ongoing research studies supporting children with ADHD and behavioural issues
What homeopathy can treat by Dr. Amy Rothenberg(audio)
Choosing Homeopathy for Children by Dr Amy Rothenberg
Dr Bell & Dr Fischer presenting scientific evidence
Scope of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is often applied in specific manner by expert homeopaths / physicians - an excellent example can be found at:
Supporting communities in Haiti
Supporting community health in Malawi